By evans.thiongo
on Thu, 04/15/2021 - 12:05
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Akamba calabashes

Akamba stools

Artifacts at material culture section Main Campus

Artifacts housed at material culture section Main Campus

Bajun coconut grator

Bajun pots

Bajun wooden sandals

Baskets made from water hyacinth

Borana leather water containers

Borana milk container, milk jar and a wooden cup

Borana stools

Coconut grator, mbuzi

Dental tools from Elgeyo Marakwet

Digo winnowing trays

Giriama basket

Giriama baskets

Giriama, Akamba and Luo hand hoes

Kamba and Marakwet honey container

Kikuyu front and rear woman's apron

Kisii married woman's anklet

Luo and Giriama hand hoes

Luo and Luhya grain,flour baskets

Luo fish pot, water pot and wooden milk jag

Luo slasher or sickle

Luo stool

Luo warrior hat

Luo woman's hat

Maasai and Samburu earrings

Marakwet and Luo winnowing trays

Marakwet and Luo winnowing trays

Marakwet beer gourd

Pokot bracelet

Pokot nose plate

Pokot stools, head rests

Samburu leather honey bag

Samburu leather sandals

Samburu stools, head rests

Shelf storage for materials

Surgical tools from Elgeyo Marakwet

Taita sisal baskets

Turkana and Akamba chiesels

Turkana lady's front apron

Turkana leather bag

Turkana leather sandals

Turkana milk gourds hollowed from blocks of wood

Turkana milk gourds with top covers at the front

Turkana stools, head rests

Turkana water troughs

Turkana wrist knife